Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Blog updates

So I have decided to change my tactics with the Blog. I am trimming the ads and concentrating on initial impressions and improving content. The basic theory will be before I go on a huge promotional campaign, I want any visitor to get a good impression and valuable information so as to attract them back again.

I will worry about compensation after I get something resembling a readership.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I found your blog today and it seems interesting. I liked your articles about saving money on gas.

I'm a new blogger so I've been checking out different sites to see what some other blogs are like.

Anonymous said...

Well thank you for being my first comment. I am investigating the benefits of swapping links with similar sites.

Send me an email at financial.irresponsibility@gmail.com if interested.

agapesmansion said...

I just found you though a comment on another blog. I'm always looking for ways to cut our budget, so I'm sure I'll be back.